My research interests include mobile learning, human-computer interaction, communities of practice, and instructional design theory.
Published Papers
Glazatov, T. (2011). Thoughts on Varner. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 1(4), 32-33.
Glazatov, T. (2012). Inclusiveness in online programs: Disability issues and implications for higher education administrators. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 2(1), 14-18.
ABSTRACT – Inclusiveness and accessibility in the learning environment is a goal for all institutions. As colleges and universities increase online learning opportunities, formal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) policies and processes will be necessary to comply with Federal ADA mandates and to support the institutions’ constituents. Administrators have to become knowledgeable on how the revised legislative amendments, increasing number of students identified as disabled, and technology used in the learning environment will affect compliance and online program development.
Keywords: accessibility, disability, online learning programs
Glazatov, T. (2012). Applying Instructional Design System Theory to Mobile Learning Environments. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 2(2), 28-34.
ABSTRACT: New technologies are being introduced and people are adopting and using emerging technology in all aspects of their lives, including their learning spaces. The proliferation of technology has created a digital world that is transforming how learners access information, create and share knowledge, and communicate with others. For instructional designers, a balance of theory and practicability is necessary in order to identify instructional strategies that will lead to development of an efficient and effective instructional delivery system. The Component Display Theory is used as a framework to design and develop a sample lesson that will be delivered via a mobile application. Key opportunities and limitations of extending an established instructional design theory to a present-day instructional delivery system are identified. Keywords: instructional design, component display theory, mobile learning environments
Poster Sessions
Glazatov, T. (Advisor: Dr. Snyder). Applying the Component Display Theory to the Instructional Development and Design of an Educational Mobile Application. Poster Session presented at: AECT Annual Conference, October 31, 2013.
Glazatov, T. (Sponsor: Dr. Abramson). Applying Instructional Design System Theory to Mobile Learning Environments. Poster Session presented at: Nova Southeastern University, School of Computer and Information Sciences, Fall 2012 Doctoral Student Session.
Below are abstracts for papers written as partial fulfillment of PhD coursework.
Examination of Mobile Learning Environments Using the Community of Inquiry Framework
Mobile technologies, systems, and environments are transforming how teachers and learners connect, communicate, and interact in learning communities. Mobile learning is an emerging field combining wireless technologies and computing, thus, allowing for any time and any place education. The Community of Inquiry framework has been employed to examine the role of cognitive, social, and teaching presences in online learning environments. The framework is also applicable to mobile learning environments with considerations for mobile learning unique characteristics and affordances. This exploratory paper will summarize the current literature and research in examining what mobile learning is, the application of the community of inquiry framework to the mobile learning environment, and learning challenges and considerations in mobile learning environments.
Podcast Efficacy: An Examination of Motivation and Perception
In online learning environments, podcasts provide a way for instructors to deliver content and to stay connect to learners. Early research suggests that the efficacy of podcast is at minimum, inconclusive. Yet, there are some aspects of the current findings that suggest certain factors, such as motivation of use and perceptions, may predict how effective podcasts will be in the learning environment. What follows is an examination of the current literature to explore how motivation and perception affect podcast efficacy and identify additional research areas.
Usability Evaluation of
For a newly developed application, evaluation of the product is an important step in ensuring the product works as intended. is a newly developed, online educational repository being offered at all 110 California Community Colleges. Little has been done to assess the usability of the web application. This evaluation will serve to identify usability and learn-ability issues in the current production version of The DECIDE framework was used to guide the evaluation process. A review of the literature highlights some key methodology decisions that affect how the data is analyzed. Initial results from the evaluation indicate there are several usability issues with the application but other aspects of the user experience need to be account for to fully understand the usability issues and user perception. It is recommended that alternative methodology and approaches are considered for future evaluations.
Universal Usability and Accessibility of Mobile Phones
The mobile phone is no longer just a phone; it is a multimedia device. Visual, textual, and haptic forms of mobile communication are becoming an integral part of everyday life. However, due to the phone’s design and interface, people with physical limitations have limited or no access to mobile phone functions. Laws such as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act mandate that there is a concerted effort to make products accessible to people with physical limitations. Universal Usability principles provide a framework for making mobile phones usable by all. Yet, there are many challenges with making any product universally usable. This exploratory paper will summarize the current literature and research in defining what mobility is, how people with physical limitations use mobile phones, how Universal Usability principles can be applied to mobile technologies, and what needs to be considered when prioritizing solutions to making mobile phones universally usable.