I completed my PhD in Computing Technology in Education at Nova Southeastern University, FL. I also work at San Bernardino Community College as an Instructional Technology Specialist for the Distance Education department, and have a background in both instructional technology and online education.

My work experience and interest in educational technology led me to research the challenges of designing instruction for mobile learning environments. I am especially interested in the Component Display Theory (CDT) as a guiding framework and how it can be applied from a social constructivist perspective.

The information presented here is related to my dissertation and includes documentation for the expert panel review as well as a working prototype for an instructional module on copyright and fair use principles geared toward faculty.

– Trelisa R. Glazatov


Expert Panel Instructions (pdf) – Instructions for reviewing the instructional module

Copyright and Fair Use Workshop (Prototype) (html5/swf) – Instructional module that can be accessed either through a web browser or through a mobile device. Note: If you are using an Ipad/Iphone/Ipod you will be prompted to install the free Articulate mobile player in order to view the module.

Copyright and Fair Use Workshop (Piloted Version) (html5/swf) – Instructional module that can be accessed either through a web browser or through a mobile device. The final piloted version was built using Adobe Captivate 8.

Component Display Theory Prescriptions (pdf) – A document that lists the relevant CDT prescriptions used to guide the develop the Copyright and Fair Use Workshop. The objective and instructional strategy summary are included with the prescriptions and are coded to respond to the prescription parameters.

Design Document (pdf) – Instructional design document that summaries the workshop intended audience and learning objectives.

Copyright and Fair Use Storyboard (pdf) – Complete storyboard for the instructional module. The story board includes all of the slides and assessment items that appear in the copyright and fair use workshop.